Mooring Management System Plan

OceanManager’s MSMP is a central point of reference where you can effectively monitor the status of your mooring equipment in order to be compliant, safe and reduce costs.
Mooring a ship to a berth is a common function for the maritime industry, however incidents that harm ship and terminal personnel still occur.

Statistics from the European Harbor Masters’ Committee show that 95 percent of personal injury incidents are caused by ropes and wires, and 60 percent of these injuries happen during mooring operations.


In an effort to bring these numbers down, central mooring rules and regulations are being amended and updated. In 2018, the fourth edition of the Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4) introduced the Mooring System Management Plan (MSMP) for tankers.


As in everything, technology has advanced in that field as well, with the development of various solutions, like for example “smart ropes”, that use sensors to advise the current condition of the mooring equipment.


OceanManager’s MSMP is a central point of reference where you can effectively monitor the status of your mooring equipment in order to be MEG compliant, safe and reduce costs.


MEG4 is an industry publication for the safe mooring of tankers and gas carriers at terminals, providing clear and concise guidance for ship and terminal designers, ship operators and mooring line manufacturers on safe mooring system design, with an emphasis on the safety of ship and terminal personnel.


Our MSMP system is a Cloud based solution, all vessel and mooring particulars can be imported in a very easy and efficient way, and OceanManager has partnered with industry experts to bundle this solution with consultancy services that can help you implement and maintain your Mooring Plans.


Using our solution, can help you get quick access to the current status of your mooring equipment in order to reduce costs, be compliant and of more importantly decrease risks for human life incidents.

Available on
  • Shore web version
  • Ship web version


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